
Statistics Terms

Interaction Effects

313246a and hunsbeja


Imagine you’re baking a cake, and you want to know how two different factors affect its moisture: the type of flour used (factor A) and the type of sweetener used (factor B).

Factor A represents the type of flour: regular flour vs. gluten-free flour. Factor B represents the type of sweetener: sugar vs. honey.

Now, you decide to bake four cakes, each with a different combination of flour and sweetener:

  1. Cake A: Regular flour + Sugar
  2. Cake B: Regular flour + Honey
  3. Cake C: Gluten-free flour + Sugar
  4. Cake D: Gluten-free flour + Honey

After baking each cake, you evaluate how moist each cake is. You find that the varying types of flour and type of sweetener produce different results. Cake A and Cake D result in moist cakes; while Cake B and C produce dry cakes.

We see that they type of flower and type of sweetener result in different products when used in conjunction with each other. This is called an interaction effect in the statistical world.


The figure above demonstrates what happens when a moisture meter is placed into the four cakes. As we can see, cakes that use regular flour and sugar and gluten-free flour and honey result in more moist cakes.


Let’s consider a hypothetical study examining the effects of two factors, caffeine intake (low vs. high) and exercise (sedentary vs. active), on participants’ reaction times in a cognitive task.


To do so, we have collected eight points of data

Participant Caffeine Intake Exercise Reaction Time
in seconds
1 Low Sedentary 300
2 High Sedentary 320
3 Low Active 280
4 High Active 260
5 Low Sedentary 310
6 High Active 250
7 Low Active 290
8 High Sedentary 330


We then calculate the mean and standard deviation for all identified groups.

Condition Mean Reaction Time SD Reaction Time
LxS 305 5
HxS 325 5
LxA 285 5
HxA 255 5


Once we’ve obtained the means for each group, we can calculate the means for each level of each factor (exercise and caffeine intake)

    Caffeine Intake  
    Low High Average
Exercise Sedentary 305 325 315
Active 285 255 270
  Average 295 290  



We can then calculate the Sums of Squares for the interaction (SSAB) to calculate Means Squared for the interaction (MSAB). We then divide MSAB by MSW (within) to calculate our F-statistic.

SSAB = 3935.25

dfAB = (2-1)(2-1) = 1

MSAB = 3935.25/1

MSW = 14.8

F = 265.90

Plain Language Definition

An interaction effect is when multiple controlled variables differentially impact the outcome variable.

Technical Definition

Interaction effect is present when the simple effects of one IV are not the same at all levels of the other IV.


Media Attributions

  • Untitled

About the authors


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This work (Interaction Effects by 313246a and hunsbeja) is free of known copyright restrictions.