
About This Book

This Open resource is designed and updated as part of James Madison University’s PSYC 825 – Statistical and Measurement Consultation course. As part of this course, students are tasked with explaining statistical and measurement concepts to mock clients who have expertise in other disciplines. Part of learning how to explain these concepts, students thoughtfully craft ADEPT explanations (Azad, 2015; Vance & Smith, 2019). To explain a concept using ADEPT, one must provide an analogy, diagram, example, plain language definition, and a technical definition (when necessary).


As part of the course, students are tasked with creating ADEPT explanations. They are peer reviewed by classmates prior to being finalized.

The course design has been centered on Open Pedagogy. There are two primary elements in the course related to Open. First, all pre-assigned readings are available as Open Educational Resources, Open Access articles, published freely online, or provided to students of JMU at no cost through University subscriptions. As a result, this course requires no materials at cost to the students. Secondly, students students are introduced the ideas of Open beyond the idea of Open Educational Resources through this ADEPT project. This project was designed with the 5R’s (Respect, Reciprocate, Risk, Reach, and Resist, Jhangiani, 2019) of Open Pedagogy in mind. It is mapped to the four learning outcomes of the course:

  • Increased self-efficacy with respect to explaining statistics and measurement concepts
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate statistics and measurement concepts
  • Increased skill in uncovering resources to increase knowledge and facilitate consultation
  • Ability to hear, process, reflect on, and professionally respond to other’s advice

During the course, students learn about Open Licensing, discuss the pros and cons of publishing their ADEPT explanation as Open, and are given agency in selecting whether or not to publish and under what license.

Throughout this book, you see the work done by students! Please enjoy.