2.3.11 Leadership Tool Assessment Tools
The Leadership Assessment Tools are a series of tests designed to evaluate an individual’s ability to utilize essential management skills to identify and address significant organizational issues. The self-assessment tools include:
The Cognitive Style Instrument
Gaining Power and Influence
Using Influence Strategies
Diagnosing Poor Performance and Enhancing Motivation
Effective Empowerment and Delegation
Team Development Behaviors
Diagnosing the Need for Team Building
How Creative Are You?
The tests are designed for individuals in leadership or managerial roles, including executives, managers, team leaders, and supervisors. They are also suitable for aspiring leaders who want to assess and develop their leadership capabilities.
Brian Uzzi, a professor of leadership and organizational change at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, developed many tools. Scores are automatically calculated and compared to reference distributions from random samples of managers.
The website does not have reliability and validity data on the instrument, but Andrewartha et al.’s (2012) book provides insights about the tool’s validity and reliability.
The tools are available for free at http://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/faculty/uzzi/htm/teaching-leadership.htm. The website states “these tools are no longer being maintained. I have left them up as a curtesy but please consider their use ‘as is.’ ” They are also available in the book Developing Management Skills, which is cited in the reference list.
Carlopio, J., Andrewartha, G., Whetten, D., & Cameron, K. (2012). Developing management skills: A Comprehensive guide for leaders. Pearson.
Uzzi, Brian. (n.d.). Leadership Assessment Tools – Assess your skills. Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. https://www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/faculty/uzzi/htm/teaching-leadership.htm