2.3.13 Performance Skills Leader (PSL)
The Performance Skills Leader (PSL) helps employees identify their strengths and weaknesses in leadership. A main advantage of the PSL is it allows comparison of team members’ and managers’ perceptions. Covering 24 core competencies, the instrument assesses four aspects of leadership: strategic focus, business focus, workforce focus, and personal focus.
Employees and managers who are interested in assessing their leadership skills and understanding their strengths and weaknesses in leadership can take the PSL. The test, which offers 360-degree feedback, is often administered as part of leadership development programs or performance evaluations. It can also be used in training sessions. According to Creative Organizational Design (2024), leaders can compare their results to data from over 2,000 other leaders, including their direct reports’ overall feedback.
The PSL was developed by David Towler and John Towler, founders of the Creative Organizational Design consulting firm. The 82-item assessment has options for both manual and automated scoring. For automated scoring, confidential reports are delivered to the designated program coordinator or leadership coach.
No reliability or validity data for this instrument are reported in the leadership instruments research database.
It is available online at https://www.creativeorgdesign.com/tests/performance-skills-leader/.
Connelly, M. S., Gilbert, J. A., Zaccaro, S. J., Threlfall, K. V., Marks, M. A., & Mumford, M. D. (2000). Exploring the relationship of leadership skills and knowledge to leader performance. The Leadership Quarterly, 11(1), 65–86. https://doi.org/10.1016/S1048-9843(99)00043-0
Creative Organizational Design. (2024). Performance Skills Leader. https://www.creativeorgdesign.com/tests/performance-skills-leader/