
2.1.5 Leadership Traits Questionnaire (Northouse, P. G.) 


This instrument assesses personal characteristics related to leadership, such as articulateness, perceptiveness, and self-confidence. The aim is to provide insight into how leaders perceive and utilize these traits. The test is intended for leaders themselves and individuals familiar with them, such as peers, colleagues, and supervisors. This multirater assessment approach allows for a comprehensive view of leadership traits from different perspectives.


The developer of the most recent version of the instrument is Northouse (2021). The 14-item questionnaire draws from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Test takers must indicate their level of agreement with statements regarding leadership traits.

Anderson et al. (2006) found high reliability levels ranging from .92 to .95. Madlock (2008) reported Cronbach’s alpha values ranging from .90 to .93 for total leadership style, task leadership style, and relational leadership style. The short version of the instrument, created by Northouse (2021) has not been tested yet.


The instrument can be found online at: https://studysites.sagepub.com/northouseintro2e/study/resources/questionnaires/89527_02q.pdf. It is also accessible via academic journals and research databases, including in the relevant articles listed in the references section. Prior to usage, permission from the authors or copyright holders may be necessary.


Anderson, C. M., Madlock, P. E., & Hoffman, P. (2006, April 5–9). Leadership, commitment, and attitudes as predictors of satisfaction in small task groups [Paper presentation]. Paper presented at the 2006 Central States Communication Association Convention, Indianapolis, IN, United States.

Madlock, P. E. (2008). The link between leadership style, communicator competence, and employee satisfaction. International Journal of Business Communication, 45(1), 61–78. https://doi.org/10.1177/0021943607309351

Northouse, P. G. (2021). Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage Publications.


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