
3.2.11 Team Effectiveness Survey (Hall)


The Team Effectiveness Survey (TES) is designed to assess process issues associated with team dynamics, focusing on team functioning and individual responsibility for the team’s style of functioning (Zaccaro et al., 1999). The TES generates individual and team scores of “exposures” and “feedback,” which are assumed to influence communication and problem-solving effectiveness. The survey identifies four types of individuals/teams based on exposure and feedback scores. The TES also measures supportive and defensive climates within the team. The TES can be used for team building, training and development, or developmental purposes, to improve team functioning and communication. It is suitable for concept training and team discussion (Hall, 1996).


According to Zaccaro et al. (1999), this instrument was developed by Jay Hall. No construct or criterion-related validity studies have been reported.


The TES is available for purchase from Teleometrics International, Inc. at https://teleometrics-my-tyme.myshopify.com/.


Hall, J. (1968). Team Effectiveness Survey: An assessment of the types and effects of member contributions on team action. Teleometrics International.

Hall, J. (1974). Interpersonal style and the communication dilemma: I. Managerial implications of the Johari Awareness Model. Human Relations, 27(4), 381–399. https://doi.org/10.1177/001872677402700404

Hall, J. (1976). To achieve or not: The manager’s choice. California Management Review, 18(4), 5-18.

Zaccaro, S. J., Klimoski, R. J., Boyce, L. A., Chandler, C., Banks, D., & Gade, P. A. (1999). Developing a tool kit for the assessment of army leadership processes and outcomes: Version 1.0 (ARI Research Note 99-35). U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences. https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/tr/pdf/ADA368448.pdf


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