
18 Exploring the Shape of Minerals at the Nanoscale Using 3D Printing

Chiara Elmi, Geology and Environmental Science

Exploring the shape of minerals at the nanoscale using 3D printing


Minerals are more complex than thought in the past because of the discovery that their chemical properties vary as a function of particle size when smaller than a few nanometers. These variations are most likely due to differences in the mineral shape at the molecular level. Very few curricula, courses, or even chapters in textbooks (mineralogy, geochemistry, environmental chemistry, etc.) focus on the impact that the shape of minerals at the nanoscale can have on the environment and human health. Goal of the project is to integrate 3D technology in GEOL280 –Mineralogy to effectively teach about the nanoworld (e.g., atom arrangement in common minerals, sorption, catalysis, redox, dissolution/precipitation reactions observed at the nanoscale) and make “what can’t be seen” tangible. At the end of the course, students will be able to: (1) recognize common minerals at the nanoscale;

(2) design and print 3D models of minerals using crystallographic data; (3) analyze the impact of minerals on the environment and humans; (4) present and discuss the result of their projects to peers and general audience. I am planning to use the 3D models developed during the course for future in-class demonstrations and instruction, exhibitions, professional lectures, university workshops, conference presentations, and archives.

RATIONALEMinerals, environment, and human health. Nanoscience is a very rapidly growing frontier area of research that provides abundant opportunities in the Earth and Environmental Sciences [1]. Natural crystalline phases such as minerals have always been abundant during Earth’s formation and throughout its evolution over the past 4.54 billion years. Minerals are relevant from molecular to planetary dimensions and that they operate from the shortest to the longest time scales over the entire Earth system [2]. Mineral nanoparticles commonly behave differently as a function of their size within the nanoscale size range. Bundschuh et al. (2018) observed that the formation, release, environmental transformation, transport, fate and impact of natural, incidental, and anthropogenic nanoparticles impact all components of the Earth system. Free ions may sorb onto material surfaces, and this creates problems and opportunities with regard to environmental and health hazards. This project aims to introduce students to mineral reactivity at the nanoscale and help them to address the “big science questions” related to nanoscience: nanomaterials in the Earth system, impacts on biogeochemical processes, characterization of nanomaterials and their chemical properties at the nanoscale, impacts of natural nanomaterials on the environment and human health. Applications to the Earth system that will be addressed include fundamental Earth processes (e.g., sorption, catalysis, redox, dissolution/precipitation reactions observed on the nanoscale) to applications of highest importance to society (e.g., energy capture, storage and transfer, water quality, nanopollutants, climate change, human health, transport and fate of engineered nanoparticles in the Earth system).

3D data visualization. Students may have difficult time mastering concepts of chemistry and mineralogy because

a) it is typically their first formal encounter with 3-D visualization, and b) the crystal structures may appear to be abstract, and thus overwhelming for many students. 3D printing is a transformative technology that has been widely covered in the popular press, resulting in broad public awareness [4]. Integrating 3D printing technology into GEOL280 – Mineralogy is an effective way to connect with students of all learning styles and helps students stay engaged. Since some people do not visualize 3-D data on a notebook or a computer screen, 3-D printing produces tangible objects that are obviously intuitive to students and non-scientists. Goal of the proposal is to use 3-D printing to make the molecular mineral structures accessible to everyone.



PLAN FOR DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATIONA project-based assignment, which incorporates 3D design and printing to create physical and digital representations of minerals at the nanoscale and analyze their reactivity on the environment and humans, will be implemented in GEOL280 – Mineralogy.


Students will generate their 3D models of different minerals at the nanoscale using the software CrystalMaker [5]. The generation of the minerals’ models with CrystalMaker [5] will be preceded by a presentation and analysis of relevant course concepts (e.g., mineral shapes at the nanoscale, physical properties, and uses).

3D models can be developed using various methods, such as rapid prototyping based on a CAD/CAM platform. I intend to work with instructional designers to guide students creating their 3D object using Thingiverse [6], Morphi [7], and/or OpenScad [8] and printing students’ designed models in classroom.

Students will work in groups to analyze the impact of nanomaterials on the environment and humans. In addition, student’s work will build a growing online repository of Open Educational Resources (OERs) that aid in the understanding of minerals, their crystalline structure, and reactivity at the nanoscale. Eventually, students will present and discuss the result of their projects to peers and general audience.

At the end of the project, students will be able to: (1) recognize common minerals on the surface of Earth; (2) create and prototype 3D models of minerals using crystallographic data; (3) analyze the reactivity of minerals at the nanoscale and the impact on the environment and humans; (4) disseminate and discuss the result of their projects to their peers and general audience.

PROJECT TRANSFERABILITYMinerals and their reactivity on the Earth system have a high impact on scientific, technological, and societal concepts. Minerals at the nanoscale is a topic that can be easily integrated in several disciplines such as chemistry, physics, material science, and engineering.

INNOVATIVE AND CREATIVE TEACHING OUTCOMESThe proposed project adheres to the mission of James Madison University (JMU) as it plans to prepare students to be engaged and enlightened citizens who will go on to lead productive and meaningful lives. I anticipate that at the end of the course students who will work together to research, design, discuss and disseminate the results of their project will increase awareness of the impacts of humanity on the Earth system, and the realization that humanity is a geologic agent with potential to impart irreversible consequences on the operation of Planet Earth. The design and printing of 3D models of mineral shape at the nanoscale incites reflection on the key roles of natural, incidental, and engineered nanoparticles as well as effectively engages STEM students in critically interrogating the societal and scientific problematics (e.g., climate change, water and soil pollution). The introduction of 3D printing in the classroom offers an excellent opportunity to excite and engage students in a valuable, interdisciplinary educational experience. 3D printing is an integrated technology in the present project to effectively teach about “what can’t be seen”. Students can use the same tools as professionals to become creators themselves. Whether students are printing invaluable high-tech objects or inventions of their own design, I believe the chance to bring nano-scale object to life will give students the opportunity to become educated to assess societal issues and form reasoned opinions.

RESULT DISSEMINATION PLANI am planning to use the 3D models of minerals developed during the course for future in-class demonstrations and instruction, exhibitions, professional lectures, university workshops, conference presentations and archives. I intend to disseminate project procedure and results attending conferences.

BUDGET PLANACT grant funds would support the purchase of a variety of materials that I can use in the classroom to support the 3D printing of students’ models, as well as help defray the costs of attending conferences where I intend to disseminate the results of this project.


No prior experience with 3D printing or design is needed. Due to classroom and equipment restrictions, the course is limited to 24 students.


This project will focus on undergraduate education. I am planning to complete the training and application process Institutional Research Board (IRB) protocol in order to disseminate the results of my project as a conference presentation. Depending on the implementation and output of the project, I intend to submit a proposal under NSF’s Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) initiative to enhance the course content and defray the costs for the organization of a workshop to share procedures, case studies, and create collaborations with other peer instructors. Additional collaborating opportunities, such as 4-VA grants will be considered as well.

The timeline for the development of the project is as follow:


Spring 2020 Purchases
Begin the training and application process Institutional Research Board (IRB) protocol
Summer 2020 Design Curriculum for the Fall Course to Include Technology Component in conjunction with instructional designers.
Fall 2020 Teach the course
Spring 2021 Analyze Data from Fall Semester
Summer 2021 Disseminating project procedures attending a national conference
Fall 2021 Teach the course again
Spring and Summer 2022 Securing additional resources (e.g., 4-VA and NSF proposals)



  1. NAGT (2019) Nanotechnology in STEM. Nanotechnology in STEM. Nanosceince in the Earth and Environmental Science, https://serc.carleton.edu/msu_nanotech/nanoscience_ear.html
  2. Hochella MF, Mogk DW, Ranville J, Allen IC, Luther GW, Marr LC, McGrail BP, Murayama M, Qafoku NP, Rosso KM, Sahai N, Schroeder PA, Vikesland P, Westerhoff P, Yang Y (2019) Natural, incidental, and engineered nanomaterials and their impacts on the Earth system. Science, 363(6434):eaau8299. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aau8299
  3. Bundschuh M, Filser J, Lüderwald S, McKee MS, Metreveli G, Schaumann GE, Schulz R, Wagner S (2018) Nanoparticles in the environment: where do we come from, where do we go to? Environmental Sciences Europe, 30(1):6. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12302-018-0132-6
  4. Hasiuk F (2014) Making things geological: 3-D printing in the geosciences. GSA Today, :28–29. https://doi.org/10.1130/GSATG211GW.1
  5. Palmer DC (2018) CrystalMaker.
  6. MakerBot Industries, LLC (2019) Thingiverse. https://www.thingiverse.com/
  7. Inventery, Inc. (2019) Morphi. https://www.morphiapp.com/
  8. Kintel M (2019) OpenSCAD. https://www.openscad.org/about.html


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