Creative Teaching Cases – A Collection that Inspires

Accelerating Creative Teaching (ACT) grants provided opportunities to encourage innovations in teaching and share instructors’ creativity in engaging student learning through the use of technology. Projects have been selected based on a blind review of proposals by faculty members from multiple discipline areas and represent the development of deep, meaningful, and reflective learning in students. This collection reflects the proposals, experiences, and reflections of the inaugural cohort of the 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-2020 ACT Grant recipients, from a wide range of disciplines and approaches.
This grant was sponsored by the Libraries at James Madison University between 2017 and 2020.
The editors hope that this collection offers inspiration to educators and curriculum and instruction developers interested in innovative and collaborative approaches to meaningful teaching and learning.
Daisy L. Breneman, Department of Justice Studies, James Madison University
Juhong Christie Liu, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Libraries, James Madison University
April 2020
Image credits: Cover – Craig Baugher, Front Matter –Zachary E. Williams
Managing Editor – Daisy Breneman, Justice Studies Faculty and Faculty Associate with JMU Libraries
Project Conceptualization and Editorial Cooridnation -Dr. Juhong Christie Liu, JMU Libraries