Book Title: Open Pedagogy Toolkit

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This open pedagogy resource is intended as a support for a broad audience that may include faculty in higher education, library faculty and staff, instructional designers, faculty developers, and anyone in education who is interested in contributing to the open movement. This toolkit was developed by a multi-institutional group, the Open Practices Collaborative. Our purpose was to focus on building relationships that support us as we create, share, and collaborate on various projects that support the open movement. While you can choose to read the toolkit chapters in sequential order, depending on your own goals, you can also jump around to the chapters that feel most relevant to you.
Open Pedagogy Toolkit Copyright © by Elaine Kaye, Nicole Wilson, Cheryl (Cullier) Casey, Kathy Essmiller, Mandi Goodsett, Jeanne Hoover, and Stacy Katz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Philosophy and theory of education