
Terminology Index

#BlackLivesMatter 20


ability 38

acceptance 4

aesthetic, Black 37

allusion 4, 10, 37

analysis 35, 36, 39

poetry analysis 13, 16, 19, 34

literary analysis 34

anaphora 20

ancestral 20

annotate 19

antecedent 37

arts, Black 1

audio-visual 35


biographical 23

body 13, 14, 20

Black bodies 25

bop 21

boyhood 27


caesura 20

cento 3, 24

childhood 27

civil rights 2, 6, 7, 8, 30

Civil Rights Movement 10

class 38

collective 4

Black writing collectives 27

collective identity 4

colonialism 25

comfort 2, 6, 7, 8, 30

community 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 22, 23, 30, 42

building community 24

community center 3

context 23, 31

cultural context 12

historical context 22, 41

couplet 3

craft 5, 15, 23, 27, 40, 41

creative writing 21, 24

cultural reference 41


diction 4

discussion 36


ekphrasis 3, 41

enjambment 3, 20

epigraph 20, 37

ethnicity 38

eulogy 3

explication 34


Family 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 18, 23, 30

family tree 37

first day 24

first-person 18

food 2, 6, 7, 8, 30

form/s 18, 24, 25

epistolary form 5, 41

received forms 1

freedom 20

friends 3


games 25

garden 18

gender 1, 38

generative 5

genocide 25

ghazal 31

girlhood 27

golden shovel 37

grace 26

wicked grace 28

group work 24, 36

See also presentation


haibun 1, 18

haiku 4, 41

handbook 42

healing 29

history 10, 12, 18, 31, 32

Black history 1, 11, 17

Black History Month 10

historical poetry 5

personal history 5

See also context


ice breaker 24

ideas 24

identity 4, 5, 18, 33

See also collective

imagery/images 3, 5, 25

imagination 5

incarceration 29

carceral system 20

Indigenous 3

individual 4

influence 37

insurrection 26

intergenerational 25, 26

intersectionality 16, 33, 38

intertextual, 17, 26

interview 9


landscape 14

language 12, 23, 38

figurative language 4

legacy 11, 17, 18, 25

liberation 20, 25, 26, 35

library 10

line break 3, 20

literacy, information 10

literary devices 22

love, maternal 2, 6, 7, 8, 30


margins 3

meaning 3

memory 5

metaphor 25

mixtape 35

movement(s) 1

multimedia 35

music 21, 25


names/naming 12, 20

narrative 5

narrative style 3

nationality 38

nature 1, 18

nourishment 2, 6, 7, 8, 30


order 3


paper 39

patchwork 24

patriarchy 28

patriotism 4

personhood 18

place 1

play 5, 27

playlist 20


concrete poem 3

echo poem 11, 17

list poem 3, 20, 32

persona poem 13

praise poem 12, 32

prose poem 1, 3

visual poem 15

pornotroping 25

power, Black 1

presentation 41

class presentation 31

digital presentation 35

group presentation 36

punctuation 3


queerness/queer 1, 25, 32


race 38

reading, close, 19, 34

rebellion 25, 26

reckoning 20

reflection 39

critical reflection 33

reflective writing 29

religion 38

remix 24

repetition 20

representation 4

resistance 2, 6, 7, 8, 30

revision 40

rites of passage 32


self 18

self-awareness 12

senses 14

sex/sexuality 25, 38

shifts 3

silencing 20

social location 33

sonic resonance 3

sonnet 25, 32

crown of sonnets 1

soundtrack 18

speaking/declaring 20

stanza 3

stereotypes 25

stimulation, mental 5

storytelling 5

structure 3, 4, 15

supremacy, white 28

symbolism 4

syntax 4, 25


teaching tool 42

tercets 1

tourniquet 20

trauma 20, 29


video 9

violence 25


warmup 24

wellbeing, mental 26

white space 3

worksheet 3, 19


Terminology Index Copyright © 2024 by Anastacia-Reneé; allia abdullah-matta; Ariana Benson; Mary Beth Cancienne; Teri Ellen Cross Davis; Shameka Cunningham; Hayes Davis; Tyree Daye; Angel C. Dye; Brian Hannon; T.J. Hendrix; DaMaris B. Hill; Meta DuEwa Jones; Shauna M. Morgan; Adrienne Danyelle Oliver; Leona Sevick; James Smethurst; Dana A. Williams; L. Lamar Wilson; Carmin Wong; Dave Wooley; and Joanne V. Gabbin (preface). All Rights Reserved.