
Evolve Guide

Purpose of the document: This is where participants have their personal space to do the reflective activities from the Fellowship Modules.

Here is the link to make a copy of the Evolve Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14Ll6R4aj73FZmX8CIS5Hbstt-kWal-Qf140ooTqEMEw/edit?usp=sharingSession 1

Exploring foundational readings

Activity 1

Reflect on the following questions:

  1. What’s new to your understanding of open pedagogy?
  2. What’s still unclear?
  3. How do the values of Open Pedagogy resonate with your current teaching practices?

Experiencing open projects

Activity 2

As you experience these projects, consider the context of each assignment/project.

  1. What were the learning outcomes?
  2. How was the project scaffolded or integrated into the course?

Exploring the role of social justice for Open Pedagogy

Activity 3

Reflect on the following questions.

  1. How do the literature, evolution of open practices and social justice, and the proposed definition of social justice support the perspectives you currently hold (academic and personal) in terms of the role of social justice work in the classroom?
  2. Consider the course you are working on in this program and the three principles of social justice as they are applied to open. How are the principles shaping your initial ideas of what an open pedagogy project or assignment might look like?
  3. In your current teaching practice, how do you balance the role of process and product for student work?

Engaging in self-reflection with the group

Activity 4

Respond to the following prompts:

  1. How would you articulate your own worldview of open?
  2. How are you articulating open pedagogy’s key characteristics and values for your work and discipline moving forward?

After reflecting individually, add your worldview of open to the Jamboard {insert link to the Jamboard} . Please provide feedback to your peers.

Evolving your Open Practices

Activity 5

Reflect on the following questions.

As a reminder, when we refer to the “broad dimensions” of social justice-oriented projects we are referring to content-centric to process-centric, teacher-centric to learner-centric, and primarily pedagogical to primarily social justice-focused.

  1. As you reflect on the three broad dimensions presented in the article, how do they connect to your current courses, assignments, and pedagogical choices? What questions come up for you?
  2. What challenges do you perceive to implementing open practices within the JMU context? Which practices have more or fewer barriers? Have you experienced any challenges in implementing open practices?
Session 2


Activity 6

Now that you have read and discussed with colleagues about the current Open landscape, how would you articulate where you are in your own journey with open pedagogy?

How could you see yourself applying the concepts and ideas we’ve discussed so far to a specific course or project?

Session 3

Exploring Knowledge Equity

Activity 8

Reflect on the following prompts.

  1. When creating assignments, how might you talk with your students about what knowledge inequities mean and what the current landscape is like in your discipline?
  2. Who are your students? What strategies can you use to create an ethic of care in the creation process with your students? Are there things you currently do that can be continued as you engage in open work? Are there new strategies you need to consider?
  3. Reflecting on your own experience and what the authors shared in this podcast, are there any steps you might take to move toward social justice in the knowledge creation process for your field and with your students?

Engaging with local and global communities

Activity 9

Reflect on the following prompts.

  1. In what ways does the current climate impact the way social justice work does or does not show up in your communities?
  2. What strategies do you consider to support the continuation of this work when the institutional or broader is not supportive?
Session 4

Exploring equity and social justice in course design

Activity 10

Review the work you did in the analysis section of your project design template. Reflect on the changes that will be required in the three teaching areas (pedagogy, curriculum, and assessment) to implement your open project. How are you applying a social justice lens to your choices? How are you considering the values of open pedagogy (resist, reach, risk, reciprocate, respect) in your design decisions?

Once you have listed your actions, try to prioritize them for yourself.

Teaching Practice Actions needed

This refers to the voices and content in your course.  This includes topics and resources – the experiences, voices, and stories – you choose to bring in and make space for in the course.

How does an equity and social justice lens impact your curricular choices? What changes need to be made?


These are the strategies used when facilitating and designing the course. This includes syllabus design, class policies, assignments, activity design, course flow, class culture, and deadlines. Developing and refining your own pedagogical foundation is incredibly personal and a balance of “art and science”.

How does an equity and social justice lens impact your pedagogical choices? What changes need to be made?


This refers to the way in which students demonstrate their learning:

“Assessment, if not done with equity in mind, privileges and validates certain types of learning and evidence of learning over others, can hinder the validation of multiple means of demonstration, and can reinforce within students the false notion that they do not belong in higher education.”  (https://www.learningoutcomesassessment.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/OccasionalPaper29.pdf p. 5)

How does an equity and social justice lens impact your assessment choices? What changes need to be made?

Session 5

Exploring Critical Digital Pedagogy and its Connection to Open Pedagogy

Activity 11

After reading these chapters, what connections do you see between the values of Critical Digital Pedagogy and Open Pedagogy? How do the tenets of Critical Digital Pedagogy support you as you develop the next steps for your project?

Exploring Open Platforms

Activity 12

After exploring the various platforms, consider what platforms and technologies you and your students will be using.

  • What critical questions do you need to ask as you make these decisions?
  • What do you and your students need to understand about the platforms?
  • How do the platforms, policies, practices, and purpose align with social justice and equity?

Engaging with community

Activity 13

Think about how you might share your work and your learning from this program with colleagues (informally). What might you share? With whom would you share and why?

Complete Activity 13 on the Jamboard {insert link to the Jamboard}.

Session 6

Engaging in co-developing our language

Activity 14

As you reflect on your understanding of Opening Pedagogy and are beginning to solidify your project consider how you will talk about and describe the role of open in your course.

  1. Look back at your brainstorm in the Project template (end of Session 5 materials).
  2. Draft your content in your Evolve Guide. This could take the form of syllabi language, notes or a script you would use during a class session, written language for a Canvas page, etc.. .
  3. Now, copy and paste your ideas in this shared document. Take some time to look at the examples from your colleagues, add comments as needed.

Exploring scaffolding for your open project

Activity 15

This chapter gave us some tangible things (eg scaffolding, sustainability, intellectual property, open licenses, and student consent) to consider as you continue developing your open project. What do you need to build on and or incorporate into your project design? At this stage what’s feeling challenging about the development process? How might you overcome those challenges?

Session 8

Engage in conversation with students about creator rights

Activity 16

Considering what you have learned about the role of licensing and how that impacts creators’ rights. Take some time to develop additional language about creators’ rights and licensing as it specifically relates to your project.

Questions to consider:

  • What previous knowledge do students have in terms of creator rights and why licensing is important?
  • Where will I find the resources I need to inform this conversation?
  • What process will I use with my students as they/we determine how to license the work?

Now, return to the shared document {insert link to the document “Engaging in co-developing our language”} and copy these talking points into the new column. Feel free to add or edit the content you already had in the document while here.



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Opening Up: A Fellowship for Open Pedagogy Copyright © 2023 by Elaine Kaye; Liz Chenevey; and Nicole Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.