
Fellowship Application

Here is the link to make a copy of the application: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NSzP7diX2yua3xJ6MBNywtbLOG0BR6D8_uIyD3vvL5A/edit?usp=sharing

We drafted the application questions in Google Docs, and then we created the application using QuestionPro. The application was disseminated through the Libraries’ newsletter that was sent to all faculty.


Question # Question
1 Thank you for your interest in Opening Up: A Fellowship for Open Pedagogy. Please take a few minutes to complete the following information form. We will use your response to learn more about potential participants, your experiences, and your intentions. We anticipate being able to support 6-8 faculty members and want to ensure that this form is not a barrier to considering participating in this program. We will use the information you provide to select applicants should we have a large applicant pool.

Fellowship Description: Faculty who are interested in “Opening Up” their teaching are invited to engage in an open learning community with colleagues beginning in Spring 2023. Based on a fellowship model that centers community building, the structure of this program will include a mix of asynchronous and synchronous work. This fellowship is intentionally designed to be a slow-paced and supportive environment that fosters curiosity, exploration, and growth. It’s organized into three phases and faculty will make progress towards the following learning outcomes:

  1. Deepen experience with Open Pedagogy and OER in order to identify their own path.
  2. Critically analyze their pedagogical, curricular, and assessment choices through a social justice lens.
  3. Improve equity in the classroom through their pedagogical, curricular, and assessment choices.
  4. Create pedagogical, curricular, and/or assessment materials to share with their community.

During the fellowship, faculty will be supported as they meet the above outcomes and engage with the Open community locally and globally. Faculty will have the opportunity to participate in collaborative scholarly activities related to this work, such as submitting a proposal for OpenEd24 or another appropriate conference. The three phases of this fellowship will occur over Spring 2023-Spring 2024. After implementation during Spring of 2024, faculty will come back together to share their work and progress as a way of evolving their open educational practices. Each participant will receive a $1500 stipend for their work and participation in the fellowship.

If faculty have questions please reach out to {insert point of contact}

2 Time commitment: This program involves a variety of synchronous and asynchronous opportunities throughout Spring and Fall 2023. This is a three-phase program that culminates with implementation in your course in Spring 2024. These are the anticipated dates for synchronous meetings:

Wednesday February 22nd, afternoon

Wednesday March 29th, afternoon

Wednesday September 6th, afternoon

Are you able to commit to this program?

If you are unsure if you can commit, why?

3 Name:
4 Email:
5 Department:
6 Multiple choice question with possible programs

  • VIVA open grant
  • JMU Open Textbook workshop
  • JMU OER Grant Cohort
  • Other OER/Open development opportunity: _____

When did you participate in these programs?

7 Describe your experience thus far with learning about, experimenting with, or implementing Open pedagogical practices (or open educational resources).
8 Please provide the course title, number, and anticipated number of students for the class are you considering implementing open pedagogical practices?
9 Is there anything else you would like to share with the facilitators that would be useful for us to know as we consider how to best support your learning experience?


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Opening Up: A Fellowship for Open Pedagogy Copyright © 2023 by Nicole Wilson; Elaine Kaye; and Liz Chenevey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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