
Memorandum of Understanding

Here is the link to make a copy of the MOU: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-RtZ72Xyl1ozBtbWHQKqnZDKSOHFMTUkjPbpTs5RvLY/edit?usp=sharing

Purpose of MOU

The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to outline the expectations, responsibilities, deliverables, and commitments involved in a multi-semester JMU Libraries fellowship program, Opening Up: A Fellowship for Open Pedagogy.

Fellowship participants will engage in a blend of synchronous and asynchronous activities guided by program designers while building community among colleagues. This partnership is grounded in the 5Rs for Open pedagogy. This fellowship is intentionally designed to be a slow-paced and supportive environment that fosters curiosity, exploration, and growth. It’s organized into three phases and faculty will make progress towards the following learning outcomes and will need to review the key dates.


  1. Critically analyze their pedagogical, curricular, and assessment choices through a social justice lens.
  2. Improve equity in the classroom through their pedagogical, curricular, and assessment choices.
  3. Create pedagogical, curricular, and/or assessment materials to share with their community.

Key Dates

Date Format
Jan 23-Feb 21 Phase 1:  Asynchronous work
Feb 22, 1:30-3:30 pm Phase 1: Synchronous group meeting
Feb 27-Mar 19 Phase 1: Asynchronous work
Mar 20-24 Phase 1: Individual synchronous consultation
Mar 29, 1:30-3:30 pm Phase 2: Synchronous group meeting
April 7- May 20 Phase 2: Asynchronous work
May 22-26 Phase 2: Individual synchronous consultation
June -Aug Phase 2: Asynchronous work
Sept 6, 1:30-3:30 pm Phase 3: Synchronous group meeting
Fall 2023 Phase 3: Asynchronous work
Nov 13-17 Phase 3: Individual synchronous consultation

Open Program Faculty Fellow: [Name]

Program Facilitators: [Names]

MOU start date:  January 23, 2023

MOU end date: December 1, 2023

Fellowship stipend: $1,500

During the fellowship, facilitators will support faculty as they meet the above outcomes and engage with the Open community locally and globally. Faculty will have the opportunity to participate in collaborative scholarly activities related to this work, such as submitting a proposal for OpenEd24 or another appropriate conference. The three phases of this fellowship will occur over Spring 2023-Spring 2024. After implementation during Spring of 2024, faculty will come back together to share their work and progress as a way of evolving their open educational practices. Each participant will receive a $1500 stipend for their work and participation in the fellowship.

Expectations for Fellowship Facilitators + JMU Libraries

  • A program that is designed with intentionality and care, centering equity and racial healing.
  • Content that is current and relevant for faculty member’s continuous development.
  • Individual consultation and facilitated group spaces to accomplish program outcomes.
  • Connection with resources and expertise to support open projects.
  • Support, guidance, and collaboration for teaching and scholarly activities related to this work.

Expectations for Fellowship Participants

  • Participate in all components of the three phases of the fellowship program; this includes synchronous and asynchronous portions of the program.
  • Clear and open communication with facilitators and colleagues.
  • Create pedagogical, curricular, and/or assessment materials to share with their community.
  • Explore options for openly licensing course materials, resources, and/or assignments created during the fellowship and develop a timeline for openly licensing their materials.
  • Share experiences around open pedagogy with your community and the broader open community.


JMU Libraries reserves the right to terminate this agreement in the event that the above-mentioned expectations are not met.


This MOU constitutes a one-year agreement between the Faculty Fellow and the JMU Libraries. In the event the university experiences adverse budget conditions or above expectations are not met, JMU reserves the right to suspend the MOU. In this event, the Faculty Fellow compensation will reflect hours worked until the date of suspension.



Faculty Fellow  _____________________________ Date:__________


JMU Libraries Fellowship Facilitator ____________________________    Date: __________


JMU Libraries Assistant/Associate Dean ____________________________ Date: __________


Fellowship Participant Academic Unit Head _____________________________ Date:__________


Fellowship Participant Academic Dean  _____________________________ Date:__________



Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Opening Up: A Fellowship for Open Pedagogy Copyright © 2023 by Elaine Kaye; Liz Chenevey; and Nicole Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.