

This phase provides participants with an opportunity to dive deeper into the realities of managing creators’ rights as part of Open Pedagogy. This includes hearing from other experts about Creative Commons licensing

as well as working through a collaborative process to determine how they would license an open resource. Participants continue developing their projects and course materials, engage in consultation with facilitators and begin to explore various ways to get involved with the Open Pedagogy community at a local and global level. Finally, as part of this last Phase participants are asked to review and provide feedback on the program materials that can eventually be included as part of the editing and peer review process of the openly licensed Pressbook version of the Opening Up Fellowship.

This Phase includes two sessions: Session 7 is synchronous over Zoom, and Session 8 is asynchronous.

Here is the timeline we used when we facilitated this Phase:

  • Session 7: synchronous session September 6
  • Session 8: asynchronous work: Oct 6-Dec 1
  • Individual consultations with facilitators over Zoom: week of November 13-17

Learning Objectives for Phase 3

 Faculty will make progress towards…

  1. Designing and developing key course components grounded in principles and values of Open.
  2. Engaging in feedback processes and dialogue with the Open community.
  3. Identifying necessary support and connections for implementation of Open work.
  4. Distinguishing between license options and the impacts on creators’ intellectual property.
  5. Developing language to discuss concepts of intellectual property with their students.





Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Opening Up: A Fellowship for Open Pedagogy Copyright © 2023 by Nicole Wilson; Elaine Kaye; and Liz Chenevey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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