
Session 1

Session Logistics

Introduction to the program

Welcome to the Fellowship!

We are looking forward to working together throughout the course of this fellowship. As a reminder, the program consists of 3 phases. In each phase, there are multiple sessions – both asynchronous and synchronous.

Phase 1 objectives

We are currently making progress through Phase 1. By completing Phase 1, you’ll make progress towards

  1. Exploring the landscape of open educational practices and the values of open in order to reflect where you are in your open journey.
  2. Engaging with global and local conversations around the role of social justice and open
  3. Critically questioning traditional measures of authority in the scholarly landscape

*Facilitator note: See Template for Session 1 Participant Materials for additional content to consider adding here.

Exploring foundational readings

The following readings provide a foundation for our conversations and work in the space of Open Pedagogy. As you read the following articles consider how your definition of Open Pedagogy evolves as you are reading about the open landscape. What’s new to your understanding of open pedagogy? What’s still unclear? How do the values of Open Pedagogy resonate with your current teaching practices?

Open Pedagogy: A Systematic Review of Empirical Findings (Clinton-Lisell, 2021)

Take note of the discussion on page 256 around the role of open licensing as a defining characteristic of open pedagogy assignments/projects – as this is an evolving topic in the field.


5Rs for Open Pedagogy (Jhangiani, 2019)

As you explore the 5Rs consider Rajiv’s call in the opening paragraph – how might you revise, adapt, and remix these values to support your journey into open pedagogy? How might you use these values to ground your decisions for open pedagogy projects?

Book by Adrien Coquet from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)


Evolve Guide, Activity 1

Now that you’ve completed the readings in this section, reflect on the following questions in your Evolve Guide:

  1. What’s new to your understanding of open pedagogy? What’s still unclear?
  2. How do the values of Open Pedagogy resonate with your current teaching practices?

Experiencing open projects

Now that you’ve developed some foundational knowledge, let’s look at some examples of what an open pedagogy assignment/project can be. The examples below are just a few ideas for how faculty and students have engaged in open pedagogy, but this is certainly not an exhaustive list. As you experience these projects, consider the context of each assignment/project. What were the learning outcomes? How was the project scaffolded or integrated into the course?


Evolve Guide, Activity 2

As you experience these projects, consider the context of each assignment/project. What were the learning outcomes? How was the project scaffolded or integrated into the course?

The following prompt could be added for a discussion in Jamboard:

Then, on the Jamboard, respond to the following prompts:

Slide 2: Share one thing that stood out to you about the project or assignment you reviewed.

Slide 3: Do you or do you not see the 5Rs as grounding the project/assignment? Provide an example.

Slide 4: Do you or do you not see this being a social justice-type project/assignment? Share an example.

Never used Jambord? Just click the link and find your “post-it” in the space. You can click and add text to your note. Then use the slide navigation in the top toolbar to move between slides.

talk by emkamal kamaluddin from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Exploring the role of social justice for Open Pedagogy

As we explore the role of social justice for open pedagogy it’s critical that we work from a similar definition and framework of social justice. In the scholarship on open education more broadly, this article is considered foundational in providing that framework. Read Changing our (Dis)Course: A Distinctive Social Justice Aligned definition of open education (Lambert, 2018).

Book by Adrien Coquet from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)


Evolve Guide, Activity 3

Reflect on the following questions in your Evolve Guide.

  1. How do the literature, evolution of open practices and social justice, and the proposed definition of social justice support the perspectives you currently hold (academic and personal) in terms of the role of social justice work in the classroom?
  2. Consider the course you are working on in this program and the three principles of social justice as they are applied to open. How are the principles shaping your initial ideas of what an open pedagogy project or assignment might look like?
  3. In your current teaching practice, how do you balance the role of process and product for student work?

Engaging in self-reflection with the group

Pulling our focus back “up” to the broad “worldview of open” (Bali et. al. 2020) read this short encyclopedia entry on Open Pedagogy and notice how you are able to engage with content – has your understanding deepened? Have your questions changed?

Evolve Guide, Activity 4

In your Evolve Guide, respond to the following prompts:

  1. How would you articulate your own worldview of open?
  2. How are you articulating open pedagogy’s key characteristics and values for your work and discipline moving forward?

The following prompt could be added for a discussion in Jamboard:

After reflecting individually, add your worldview of open to the Jamboard. Please provide feedback to your peers.

talk by emkamal kamaluddin from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Evolving your open practices

Read the following article, Framing Open Educational Practices from a Social Justice Perspective (Bali, Cronin, & Jhangiani, 2020).

Book by Adrien Coquet from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)


Evolve Guide, Activity 5

Reflect on the following questions in your Evolve Guide.

As a reminder, when we refer to the “broad dimensions” of social justice-oriented projects we are referring to content-centric to process-centric, teacher-centric to learner-centric, and primarily pedagogical to primarily social justice-focused.

  1. As you reflect on the three broad dimensions presented in the article, how do they connect to your current courses, assignments, and pedagogical choices? What questions come up for you?
  2. What challenges do you perceive to implementing open practices within the JMU context? Which practices have more or fewer barriers? Have you experienced any challenges in implementing open practices?

In our synchronous session, we will explore using the tool hypothes.is to engage with the global open community through social annotation. If you aren’t familiar with this web annotation tool check out the website and explore the “about” video:



You don’t need to create an account yet or do anything other than get a sense of what hypothes.is does!

*We also provided the date, time, and Zoom link for the upcoming synchronous session here. Additionally, there were specific weeks throughout the Fellowship where we met with each participant via zoom. We provided the doodle poll link here for participants to sign up for an individual consultation time. 

TV by Mello from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Opening Up: A Fellowship for Open Pedagogy Copyright © 2023 by Nicole Wilson; Elaine Kaye; and Liz Chenevey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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