
Session 3

Session Logistics

Experiencing social annotation

While we briefly reviewed social annotation and hypothes.is during synchronous Session 2, we wanted to offer an opportunity in this session for you to deepen that experience.  Watch this 5-minute video to experience social annotation as an open pedagogical practice.

Engaging with inclusive practices for open pedagogy

Now that you’ve had a brief reminder of the possibilities of using hypothes.is, read this article that discusses how social annotation can be an inclusive practice for open pedagogy. As a reminder, social annotation is just one practice that allows for the disruption of traditional knowledge practices.

Book by Adrien Coquet from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

In our previous session, we introduced the connection between open pedagogical practices and information literacy, particularly thinking about source materials and authority in a more open and generative way. Remembering the frame Authority is Constructed and Contextual–expertise is not a set idea, it is dependent on our constructed disciplines and information contexts. As scholars, we already engage in informed critiques of existing knowledge regularly through our research and publishing practices. By engaging in open principles we can take this further by breaking down barriers between creators and consumers, having more real-time iterative conversations, and re-constructing and re-contextualizing our ideas of expertise and authority.

As you move forward with developing your project, consider this quote from page 2 of the article:

“Instead of these knowledge gathering and generating practices occurring in isolation in the form of disparate and individual assessments, social annotation provides an opportunity to synthesize, layer, and build upon these different processes while communicating within a course text. These practices, in turn, disrupt traditional knowledge practices in higher education that are structured around hierarchy, one-way knowledge transfer, and historical definitions of what knowledge means.”

Evolve Guide, Activity 7

Reflect on the following questions in your Evolve Guide. The article dives deeply into the critical lens needed when developing an open pedagogy project, in this case for social annotation.

  1. What are the challenges you see to disrupting traditional, hierarchical, one-directional knowledge practices in your discipline?
  2. How are you considering issues of power, inclusion, and equity in your ideas for your own open pedagogy work?

Exploring knowledge equity

Listen to this podcast episode or review the transcript  (about 40min) where two early career scholars discuss their own experiences in the academy, the passion for the intersection of open research and social justice, as well as the inequities in knowledge production. While this episode doesn’t center open pedagogy, we can reflect on the experiences of these researchers as we consider how we introduce concepts of open in our courses and how open pedagogy may be another path into shifting the knowledge landscape in academia and beyond.

Headphones by Arthur Shlain from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Evolve Guide, Activity 8

Reflect on the following prompts in your Evolve Guide.

  1. When creating assignments, how might you talk with your students about what knowledge inequities mean and what the current landscape is like in your discipline?
  2. Who are your students? What strategies can you use to create an ethic of care in the creation process with your students? Are there things you currently do that can be continued as you engage in open work? Are there new strategies you need to consider?
  3. Reflecting on your own experience and what the authors shared in this podcast, are there any steps you might take to move toward social justice in the knowledge creation process for your field and with your students?

Experiencing a mindful moment

Before moving into the next section which involves project design, let’s take a minute to center ourselves.

Watch this 90-second video. Please note, an ad will play prior to the video.

Experiencing analysis for open pedagogy

Now that you have explored the open landscape and learned more about the characteristics and examples of open pedagogy projects it’s time to start working on your project!

Project Design Template

The Project Design Template is where you’ll have personal space to design your Open Project. This template provides space to complete the learner and pedagogical analysis, develop the objectives and scaffolded deliverables, and design assessments. This is also a place where the facilitators can provide synchronous and asynchronous feedback to each of you throughout the design process. Click this link to go to the Project Design Template. There are instructions on the document for making a copy for yourself.

Directions: In this session, the expectation is for you to go through the analysis section of your design template and complete what you can identify questions that you have, and brainstorm ideas. The content from this analysis section will be the foundation of our conversations during your upcoming individual consults.

Engaging with local and global communities

One of the objectives for this phase includes engagement with local and global communities around open pedagogy and social justice (obj. 2). Much like designing an academic course, the creation of faculty learning spaces is contextual and doesn’t occur in a vacuum. During our design and development of this Fellowship, we are observing conversations around the way in which open pedagogy can serve the goal of creating a more socially just world shift, ebb, and even move into quiet spaces. Knowing that context, and recalling the values of risk and resistance we have developed the following activity to offer you choice in what engagement could look like. The intention of the activity is for you to investigate new spaces to connect to other people who care about open pedagogy. Consider how you might engage with a new group or how you might deepen your connection to an existing group on the topic of open pedagogy and social justice.

Options to explore:

  1. OpenEd conference is a yearly global gathering that takes place virtually – consider signing up for emails and/or exploring the archived sessions: https://openeducationconference.org/2023
  2. OEGlobal is an open education community.  https://connect.oeglobal.org/. Explore the various threads. Does anything spark your interest? Is there a space you may want to consider being part of and contributing to? https://www.oeglobal.org/activities/regional/
  3. Publicly annotating any article
  4. Take some time to find who the leaders in your field are doing open and social justice/equity work. How might you contribute? Is open pedagogy part of those conversations?
  5. Are there other spaces where you are already engaging in the local or global conversation about open pedagogy? What are they and what are the conversations happening around open and social justice/equity? Consider posing a question or making a direct connection with someone in this space.

Evolve Guide, Activity 9

In your Evolve Guide, reflect on the following prompts.

  1. In what ways does the current climate impact the way social justice work does or does not show up in your communities?
  2. What strategies do you consider to support the continuation of this work when the institutional or broader is not supportive?

Evolving your open practices

As we are wrapping up Phase 1, we are asking you to contribute to the formative assessment for the program. This activity is a formative assessment reflection for you to consider your own progress in the program as well as to provide feedback for facilitators. Completing these formative assessment surveys is considered a critical component to fulfilling the requirements of this program (as outlined in the initial MOU). This survey should take between 15-30 minutes to complete. We appreciate you taking the time to reflect on your experience thus far in this formative assessment and for all of your contributions to the program.

*Please note, we’ve added a copy of the Program Evaluation here. When facilitating the Fellowship, we had the Phase 1 evaluation questions in QuestionPro and provided the link to the evaluation in this section of the participant materials.

evaluation by nugra from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Next Steps to Prepare for Phase 2

Final Phase 1 Activity: Prepare for and attend your online individual drop-in session. Please be sure you have completed the Phase 1 work in your Project Template and are prepared to discuss it with facilitators.

Pencil by Fauzan Adiima from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)


In Phase 2 we will deepen our progress towards valuing students as co-creators. Read the following article which provides a detailed example and vulnerable reflection from students and faculty about the experience of creating an open textbook that includes more diverse and equitable representation. Read Your Discomfort is Valid: Big Feelings and Open Pedagogy.

Book by Adrien Coquet from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)




Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Opening Up: A Fellowship for Open Pedagogy Copyright © 2023 by Nicole Wilson; Elaine Kaye; and Liz Chenevey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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