
Session 5

Session Logistics

Welcome to Session 5

Welcome to Session 5. As a reminder, you’ll make progress toward the following objectives in Phase 2:

  1. Valuing students as co-creators of information.
  2. Evaluating current pedagogical, curricular, and assessment strategies.
  3. Identifying key course components to be re-designed or developed as part of goals for the program.
  4. Engaging with the open community and resources to support development work
  5. Determining appropriate open source types & platforms for your given needs.

Experiencing a mindful moment

Let’s take a moment to center ourselves and ground into the work that is ahead for Session 5.


Follow along with this 6-minute “Be in the moment” meditation.

TV by Mello from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Exploring Critical Digital Pedagogy and its connection to Open Pedagogy

Critical Digital Pedagogy (CDP) is a growing approach to education that de-centers the increasing role of technology in teaching and instead centers social justice and the humanizing, transformative effects of education. Here you will read a definition of CDP and how it has built off of both Critical Pedagogy and Digital Pedagogy. In the second chapter, the author explores how CDP and Open Pedagogy are connected and were implemented in a course.

Read Critical Digital Pedagogy: A Definition in An Urgency of Teachers from Moriss & Stommel, 2018 . 

Read But You Can’t Do That in a STEM course!

Book by Adrien Coquet from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)


Evolve Guide, Activity 11

After reading these chapters, what connections do you see between the values of Critical Digital Pedagogy and Open Pedagogy? How do the tenets of Critical Digital Pedagogy support you as you develop the next steps for your project?

Exploring open platforms

When considering the use of technology for your open projects, there are several questions to keep in mind.

  • What is the role of the technology? How does it support learning objectives?
  • How does the platform use personal data?
  • Does the platform support the values of Open Pedagogy?


Read A Guide for Resisting Edtech: the Case against Turnitin

Book by Adrien Coquet from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Exploring repositories for open educational materials:

As you are exploring the world of open educational resources there are many spaces where you can find, adapt, adopt, and contribute resources you create (eg. syllabi, assignments, etc as well as what you and your students create):

Exploring sharing/publishing platforms:

You can also share your and your students’ work more broadly or publish materials through the following platforms:

  • {insert link to your University’s Pressbooks or open publishing platforms},
  • WordPress or CampusPress {insert link to your University’s CampusPress}
  • google docs
  • OER commons
  • Soundcloud
  • youTube

One thing to keep in mind as you are considering the “final landing space” for open work, remember that the design work may happen in other spaces than in the platform! Also, this is just a short list to get you thinking, what else might you and your students need for your project?

Evolve Guide, Activity 12

After exploring the various platforms, consider what platforms and technologies you and your students will be using.

  • What critical questions do you need to ask as you make these decisions?
  • What do you and your students need to understand about the platforms?
  • How do the platforms, policies, practices, and purpose align with social justice and equity?

Engaging with community

Watch this video from OpenEd 2023 to hear more about faculty experiences as they implement equity-minded open pedagogy projects.

TV by Mello from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)


Here are some other videos you may be interested in viewing. You can also explore others you find interesting for your project design.

High enrollment course session

Privacy & OER

TV by Mello from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Evolve Guide, Activity 13

Think about how you might share your work and your learning from this program with colleagues (informally). What might you share? With whom would you share and why?

The following prompt could be added for a discussion in Jamboard:

After reflecting individually, add your response to the Jamboard. Please provide feedback to your peers.

talk by emkamal kamaluddin from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Evolving your open project

Project Design Template

As we move into the next phase of the project design and development, you’ll be working through Phase 2: Designing open projects within your course context of your design template.

Learning objectives for Open Pedagogy projects

For your open pedagogy project/assignment (like any assignment), we recommend developing learning objectives. They are intended to provide clarity and guidance for you and the students to understand what’s expected and how the work of the project will be assessed.

This video depicts the relationship between program-level outcomes, course outcomes, and learning activities/assessments. Aligning your course in this way allows you and the students to have a clear picture of the information you are covering throughout the semester. Using measurable verbs helps make this connection.

TV by Mello from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

This guide from Vanderbilt University provides an excellent background on Bloom’s original taxonomy from 1956 in addition to providing detail on how the taxonomy was reworked in 2001 to add the domain “create” to the framework. Objectives are a great way to communicate what students should be learning, and they provide a clear way to discuss how this learning is situated in the network of the class. By creating learning objectives using measurable verbs, you indicate explicitly what the student must do in order to demonstrate their learning.

As you’re writing learning objectives, it’s important to remember that learning activities and learning objectives are not the same! This resource provides a comparison of the two, and it also shows how to apply Bloom’s to writing your course objectives.  One other important note, while learning objectives are a powerful and meaningful way of organizing and designing for learning, it’s important to remain flexible. Your objectives are a guide; they can help you make decisions about course content and what is being assessed while providing mileposts to determine where the students are in their journey.

Context also matters and we want to keep students and their needs centered as we work toward the required course outcomes. In particular with Open Pedagogy projects, you may be considering more affective learning objectives; indigenous pedagogies and knowledge can offer incredible insight into how we might think about these types of outcomes in a college course. This 2016 article, Switching from Bloom to the Medicine Wheel: creating learning outcomes that support Indigenous ways of knowing in post-secondary education provides reflection, insight, and a path forward to developing more integrated objectives.

Book by Adrien Coquet from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Listen to this podcast-or read the transcript-about Open Pedagogy with Dr. Rajiv Jhangiani to get energized for diving into your project design and development!

Headphones by Arthur Shlain from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)


Project Design Template

Now that you’ve been through this content return to your Project Design Template and complete the section: Phase 2: Design open projects within your course context. This will prepare you for your next consultation.


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Opening Up: A Fellowship for Open Pedagogy Copyright © 2023 by Nicole Wilson; Elaine Kaye; and Liz Chenevey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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