
Session 6

Session Logistics

Welcome to Session 6

Welcome to Session 6. As a reminder, you’ll make progress toward the following objectives in Phase 2:

  1. Valuing students as co-creators of information.
  2. Evaluating current pedagogical, curricular, and assessment strategies. 
  3. Identifying key course components to be re-designed or developed as part of goals for the program. 
  4. Engaging with the open community and resources to support development work
  5. Determining appropriate open source types & platforms for your given needs.

Experiencing a mindful moment

Let’s take a few minutes to center ourselves before diving into the Session 6 content. Follow along with this 3-minute gratitude meditation:

Engaging in co-developing our language

Evolve Guide, Activity 14

As you reflect on your understanding of Opening Pedagogy and are beginning to solidify your project consider how you will talk about and describe the role of open in your course.

  1. Look back at your brainstorm in the Project Template
  2. Draft your content in your Evolve Guide. This could take the form of syllabi language, notes or a script you would use during a class session, written language for a Canvas page, etc.
  3. Now, copy and paste your ideas in this shared document. Take some time to look at the examples from your colleagues, add comments as needed.

Later in the program, we will return to this work and as a group, we will discuss how we might share this resource with a broader community.

Exploring scaffolding for your open project

The focus of this session is on scaffolding your open pedagogy assignment and brainstorming assessment strategies. Read this chapter that discusses scaffolding and student privacy and consent related to open pedagogy assignments.

Book by Adrien Coquet from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Evolve Guide, Activity 15

This chapter gave us some tangible things (eg scaffolding, sustainability, intellectual property, open licenses, and student consent) to consider as you continue developing your open project.

  • What do you need to build on and or incorporate into your project design?
  • At this stage what’s feeling challenging about the development process?
  • How might you overcome those challenges?

Open Access and repositories to support open projects

As you develop your assignment and start to identify supporting readings for your students, consider utilizing materials that are openly available. This might be OERs found in repositories we have already explored, but this can also be scholarly articles published in Open Access (OA) journals or preprint repositories. This can be a helpful introduction for students to understand how they might access high quality scholarly resources once they are no longer affiliated with JMU.

If you already have applicable readings, you can see if you can find OA versions using the Open Access button or Unpaywall browser extensions.

If you need support finding OER and OA materials, you can access links to resources as well as the appropriate support librarian from the following two guides:

Find Open and Affordable Content LibGuide

Open Access LibGuide

Evolving your open project

Continue developing your Open Project

Complete Phase 2, Session 6 Scaffolding your Open Project section of your Project Design Template

Jamboard activity | Evolving your open project

The following prompt could be added for a discussion in Jamboard:

On the Jamboard find your name and share your responses to the following questions:

What’s one thing you’ve identified to work on as a next step to developing your project? What’s feeling challenging at this phase?

talk by emkamal kamaluddin from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Evolving your open practices

As we are wrapping up Phase 2, we are asking you to contribute to the formative assessment for the program. This activity is a formative assessment reflection for you to consider your own progress in the program as well as to provide feedback for facilitators. Completing these formative assessment surveys is considered a critical component to fulfilling the requirements of this program (as outlined in the initial MOU). This survey should take between 15-30 minutes to complete. We appreciate you taking the time to reflect on your experience thus far in this formative assessment and for all of your contributions to the program.

*Please note, we’ve added a copy of the Program Evaluation here. When facilitating the Fellowship, we had the Phase 2 evaluation questions in QuestionPro and provided the link to the evaluation in this section of the participant materials.

evaluation by nugra from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Opening Up: A Fellowship for Open Pedagogy Copyright © 2023 by Nicole Wilson; Elaine Kaye; and Liz Chenevey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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