
Session 8

Session Logistics


Welcome to Session 8. As a reminder, you’ll make progress toward the following objectives in Phase 3:

  1. Designing and developing key course components grounded in principles and values of Open.
  2. Engaging in feedback processes and dialogue with the Open community.
  3. Identifying necessary support and connections for implementation of Open work.
  4. Distinguishing between license options and the impacts on creators’ intellectual property.
  5. Developing language to discuss concepts of intellectual property with their students.

Experiencing a mindful moment

Let’s take a moment to center ourselves and ground into the work that is ahead for Session 8. Follow along with this 90-second mindful moment meditation.

Exploring Creator Rights

Review the following examples to deepen your understanding of what Creative Commons licenses and acknowledgments can look like in practice.

(The following examples were contributed by Liz Thompson)

  1. This is an example of starting the book with an acknowledgment page (see the Introduction page) and then providing more detail in the chapters (see the authors listed at the top of each section, 1.1 as an example). Notice the way they attribute by listing authors at the top of the page – it eliminates the need for footnotes. The order of authors changes if you scan the table of contents, and we then assume that the first author provided more content for that section. So instead of citing each paragraph or sentence, you simply list the authors of CC-licensed materials in order of contribution. You will need to follow more traditional citation formats when using copyrighted quotes, videos, websites, etc.
  2. The following examples demonstrate how to indicate if your work is adapted. Again, look at the bottom of this page from the Spanish textbook here. Also, see the cover page of this text and look at the listed Authors under the title.
  3. Review the beginning of this introduction page to see an example of how to handle attributions when pulling together “chapters” or pieces of content from multiple sources. Also, note how the creators included a Chapter resources page at the end of each chapter since they were drawing from multiple sources.
  4. Using the Pressbooks directory, you can filter to search for “student-led OER projects”. Scroll down on this page to view these filtered results and explore how the various projects handle licensing and attributions.

Read the following resources to explore strategies that can support your plans for helping students decide how to choose how to license their work.

  1. Statement on Student Rights in Open Environments
  2. Student Agreement to Publish Course Work under a Creative Commons Licence
Book by Adrien Coquet from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Engaging students in conversation about creator rights

In Phase 2,  we began an activity in which you all are collaboratively crafting a resource that could be shared with examples of the approaches you all are using to introduce and explain the role of Open in the context of your course, project, and students. Two of the outcomes of this session include:

  1. Distinguishing between license options and the impacts on creators’ intellectual property.
  2. Developing language to discuss concepts of intellectual property with their students.

Evolve Guide, Activity 16

Considering what you have learned about the role of licensing and how that impacts creators’ rights. Take some time to develop additional language about creators’ rights and licensing as it specifically relates to your project.

Questions to consider:

  • What previous knowledge do students have in terms of creators’ rights and why licensing is important?
  • Where will I find the resources I need to inform this conversation?
  • What process will I use with my students as they/we determine how to license the work?

Now, return to the shared document and copy these talking points into the new column. Feel free to add or edit the content you already had in the document while here.

Engaging in the licensing process

You’ve learned more about licensing and have had more opportunities to reflect on how you plan to talk with your students about being content creators and openly licensing materials. Now, let’s engage in the decision-making process for how we could license this document to share with others.

As we move forward with creating an openly licensed resource for this program, if we were to include this document, what CC license would you be comfortable with? Keep in mind the models you have seen, not every piece of an Open resource needs to use the same license, you could choose a more or less flexible license for this document.

See the table in the working document. Respond to the two questions by adding your initials to indicate your preference (choose only one) for the CC license you would be most comfortable with.

For additional context, no one’s name will be linked to specific information. We will replace your names with “Participant 1, 2, 3, etc”. However, we would like to list everyone as contributors for this module. If you don’t feel comfortable publishing your content openly we will remove it from the document, and you will not be listed as a contributor to this module. Asking these questions and providing choice is one way we can mitigate the risks associated with publishing openly as well as ensure we are creating spaces of respect.

Exploring resource sharing and community building

{note to facilitators: insert conferences + professional development opportunities in your areas; below is what we provided to our participants}

Below are opportunities for more resource sharing as well as spaces where you can start to build community with other faculty working in the Open.

The VIVA Open and Affordable Community Forum

The forum will be held on Friday, October 13, 2023, at Virginia Commonwealth University. The event will be hybrid, allowing attendees to join virtually or in person. This year’s theme, Open for Creation: The Power of Belonging, seeks to explore stories about the diverse ways that adopting, adapting, and creating Open Educational Resources (OER) fosters belonging, equity, and care. We will be presenting on the development and facilitation of this Fellowship at the forum.

For more information about the Open and Affordable Community Forum, including past Forum agendas, visit VIVA’s website (https://vivalib.org/va/open/oacc-forum).

Registration for VIVA: https://vivalib.libcal.com/calendar/events/OACC-Forum-2023

Open Education Conference

OpenEd23  is a global conference that will be hosted online this year from November, 7th through November, 9th.  Check out the conference description and sessions here: https://openeducationconference.org/. You can also view past conference sessions. This year we submitted a proposal for a poster session about this Fellowship, and we will present the poster session on Nov 8 at 3:30 PM.

Future scholarship opportunities

Next year, we hope to submit a proposal for a panel discussion that includes you all! As part of the MOU and goals of the Fellowship, we want to support you all in sharing the amazing work you are doing and your contributions to the Open movement. For now, keep in mind this opportunity as you move into spring and plan for future scholarship goals.

Evolving your open practices

As we are wrapping up Phase 3, we are asking you to contribute to the formative assessment for the program. This activity is a formative assessment reflection for you to consider your own progress in the program as well as to provide feedback for facilitators. Completing these formative assessment surveys is considered a critical component to fulfilling the requirements of this program (as outlined in the initial MOU). This survey should take between 15-30 minutes to complete. We appreciate you taking the time to reflect on your experience thus far in this formative assessment and for all of your contributions to the program.

*Please note, we’ve added a copy of the Program Evaluation here. When facilitating the Fellowship, we had the Phase 3 evaluation questions in QuestionPro and provided the link to the evaluation in this section of the participant materials.

evaluation by nugra from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)



Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Opening Up: A Fellowship for Open Pedagogy Copyright © 2023 by Nicole Wilson; Elaine Kaye; and Liz Chenevey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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