1 Policies and Guidelines at a Glance

When you create a Pressbooks account with JMU Libraries, you agree to our terms of service. The JMU Libraries makes this platform available to you at no cost. In order to ensure the platform’s stability, sustainability, and success, we expect that all users adhere to the basic set of guidelines outlined below.

These guidelines are subject to change. Email Liz Thompson, thomp3ea@jmu.edu, if you have questions.

  1. All users must agree to our terms of service, which include granting JMU Libraries the non-exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the Content designated as “public” on the Pressbooks platform, solely for the purpose of displaying, distributing, and promoting your book. Read the terms of service.
  2. All users must have an active JMU affiliationRead more about active JMU accounts.
  3. All users agree to upload and publish content owned only by them, or third-party content that they have permission or a license to reuse or that falls under fair use. Read more about copyright.
  4. Users are permitted to choose any license for their work, but it is recommended to adopt a Creative Commons or other open license. Read more about licensing.
  5. The selection of featured works on the site is made at the Library’s discretion. In order for a book to be featured on the site and be eligible for publishing-related services, it should be openly licensed, allow for derivative works, and be intended for use in the classroom. The Library retains discretion to feature works that are not openly licensed. Read more about featured works.
  6. We expect users to stay within reasonable storage limits for uploaded content. Read more about storage.
  7. We expect users to maximize the accessibility of their published works. Read more about accessibility.
  8. The Library will make certain publishing-related services available for books that will be used in JMU courses, including:
    • Initial consultations about project planning, authors’ rights, Creative Commons licenses, and publication promotion
    • Creation of a MARC record
    • Listing and/or indexing on the JMU Libraries Pressbooks site
  9. The Library is not able to provide the following publishing-related services:
    • Assigning an ISBN
    • Editorial and production work, such as proofreading, copy editing, and formatting
    • Web-related services, such as web development and website administration
    • Listing the book in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
  10. Users are responsible for managing their own Pressbooks accounts. Users who leave JMU and wish to retain access to their accounts should make appropriate plans for transferring account ownership and files as necessary (read more about adding book collaborators and migrating files).


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JMU Libraries Pressbooks Guidelines Copyright © 2020 by JMU Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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